UK & European Weather Links
General data
Weather buoys - Buoys and lightvessels providing hourly data around the world.
UK weather map - Graphical representation of reports from airports, airfields, weather buoys, etc. Including wind, temperature, dew point, pressure & visibility.
Global towns & cities - Local weather conditions around the world, as forwarded by the U.S. National Weather Service.
Met. Office 2013 monthly weather summary - including rainfall, sunshine and temperature. (See also Env. Agency in rainfall section).
Inshore Waters - Coastal weather conditions from the Met. Office. Shipping forcast also available.
TORRO - Tornado and Storm Research Organisation.
Isle of Wight weather - Very comprehensive site.
Honiton Weather - Comprehensive data in Devon.
Solent area
Weather beacons:
ChiMET - Chichester Harbour entrance.
CamberMET - Inside Chichester Harbour.
SotonMET - Southampton Dockhead.
BrambleMET - Bramble Bank Beacon in the middle of the Solent.
Vision Link images: Needles Lighthouse; Hurst Castle; Hurst Spit
Sea state
UK wave forecast - from the National Centre for Ocean Forecasting.
North Atlantic - wave height plus many other forecasts from the US Navy's FNMOC, 0-180 hours ahead.
24 36 48 60 72 96 120 hours ahead - medium term pressure forecast. From the Met. Office via the
3-7 day pressure & wind - colour charts from the ECMWF (doesn't work correctly with Firefox).
Barometric pressure - including trend, from the National Physical Lab. at Teddington.
Cloud Satellite images
General - See the Met. Office radar link below; various data layers can be selected.
Alternative - regular updates from Dundee Satellite Receiving Station; requires free registration.
Met. Office Weather Observations website - data from a huge number of sites all over the U.K. and at various locations around the world.
Global sea temperature - daily data from the University of Wisconsin.
UK radar - from the Met. Office - very useful with clear graphics.
Meteoradar - updated every 5 minutes.
Water situation, weekly rainfall and river flow reports - from the Environment Agency.
Lightning activity
Lightning - Europe - Strike locations, density, etc for Europe & individual countries. From a network of over 100 lightning detector users.
Lightning - northern Europe - Useful site with data from Newport, Isle of Wight - one of the contributors to the above network.
International Center for Lightning Research & Testing - At the University of Florida.
Weather data collection utilities
Forecastfox - For users of the Firefox browser, this is a free 'extension' which collects weather data for one or more locations & displays it in a selectable position on the browser.
Wetsock - Automatically collects airfield data for chosen locations around the world when connected to the internet. Shareware ($12), with some weather report update restrictions when unregistered.

Last updated July '14. Any comments are welcome on the feedback page.

See also pictures from inside my birdbox, with birds building their nest & feeding their offspring, etc. Plus the visit of a cat!