General data | |
Weather buoys - Buoys and lightvessels providing hourly data around the world. | |
UK weather map - Graphical representation of reports from airports, airfields, weather buoys, etc. Including wind, temperature, dew point, pressure & visibility. | |
Global towns & cities - Local weather conditions around the world, as forwarded by the U.S. National Weather Service. | |
Met. Office 2013 monthly weather summary - including rainfall, sunshine and temperature. (See also Env. Agency in rainfall section). | |
Inshore Waters - Coastal weather conditions from the Met. Office. Shipping forcast also available. | |
TORRO - Tornado and Storm Research Organisation. | |
Isle of Wight weather - Very comprehensive site. | |
Honiton Weather - Comprehensive data in Devon. | |
Solent area | |
Weather beacons: | |
ChiMET - Chichester Harbour entrance. | |
CamberMET - Inside Chichester Harbour. | |
SotonMET - Southampton Dockhead. | |
BrambleMET - Bramble Bank Beacon in the middle of the Solent. | |
Vision Link images: Needles Lighthouse; Hurst Castle; Hurst Spit | |
Sea state | |
UK wave forecast - from the National Centre for Ocean Forecasting. | |
North Atlantic - wave height plus many other forecasts from the US Navy's FNMOC, 0-180 hours ahead. | |
Pressure | |
24 36 48 60 72 96 120 hours ahead - medium term pressure forecast. From the Met. Office via the | |
3-7 day pressure & wind - colour charts from the ECMWF (doesn't work correctly with Firefox). | |
Barometric pressure - including trend, from the National Physical Lab. at Teddington. | |
Cloud Satellite images | |
General - See the Met. Office radar link below; various data layers can be selected. | |
Alternative - regular updates from Dundee Satellite Receiving Station; requires free registration. | |
Temperature | |
Met. Office Weather Observations website - data from a huge number of sites all over the U.K. and at various locations around the world. | |
Global sea temperature - daily data from the University of Wisconsin. | |
Rainfall | |
UK radar - from the Met. Office - very useful with clear graphics. | |
Meteoradar - updated every 5 minutes. | |
Water situation, weekly rainfall and river flow reports - from the Environment Agency. | |
Lightning activity | |
Lightning - Europe - Strike locations, density, etc for Europe & individual countries. From a network of over 100 lightning detector users. | |
Lightning - northern Europe - Useful site with data from Newport, Isle of Wight - one of the contributors to the above network. | |
International Center for Lightning Research & Testing - At the University of Florida. | |
Weather data collection utilities | |
Forecastfox - For users of the Firefox browser, this is a free 'extension' which collects weather data for one or more locations & displays it in a selectable position on the browser. | |
Wetsock - Automatically collects airfield data for chosen locations around the world when connected to the internet. Shareware ($12), with some weather report update restrictions when unregistered. | |