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Tranquility - Shalfleet Quay, Newtown River, Isle of Wight in October 2007.

Most of the visiting 'yachties' have gone and the birds are the main sign of activity in this view of the Newtown River, Isle of Wight in October 2007. Shalfleet Quay is in the centre of the picture.

Morning mist clearing on the Newtown River, Isle of Wight in October 2003.

The morning mist is clearing in this view on the Newtown River in October 2003. In summer, this area would be full of pleasure craft.

Morning mist & sunrise on the Newtown River, Isle of Wight in October 2010.

Just before sunrise in October 2010, close to the location of the previous picture.

All images (C) Rod Ormston 2003-2010.

Cameras: Fuji MX-1200, F11.