THE BIRD BOX CAMERA - 2001 - page 1

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  10 March

Here you can see our new female occupant bringing in nest material (the male has more distinctive wing stripes).

Notice how straw and twigs are being used for the base of the nest.

   1 April

By now, the bedding of the nest has been built up to a depth of about 65mm/2.5 inches using softer material such as moss and lichens.

The camera is surrounded by fine spiders' webs which are a useful source of insects for our occupant; hence why she spends prolonged periods apparently staring at the camera!
  1 April 

After bringing in yet more bedding (must be getting tired of this by now?), she is now reforming the shape of the egg-laying hollow.

   2 April

Having fitted a new camera looking through the side of the box while she was out, a 'Friend or Foe' check is called for, starting with a close inspection...........

........... followed by a sharp peck!
   2 April

Friend or Foe? Well, neutral at least. Seems unperturbed by the camera just a couple of minutes after inspecting it.
   3 April

Since completing the nest, our occupant has been roosting in it every night.
   16 April

After nearly two weeks with only the bird arriving & departing and bringing in yet more bedding to see, there was one egg, just visible in this view.
   16 April

Sitting on her first egg, she looks very contented!
   16 April

By evening, there were 4 eggs. Only one is supposed to be laid each day, so how she mangaged to produce three I'm not sure.

Maybe the other eggs were hidden from view?
   17 April

This evening, after much shuffling and gyrating, another 4 eggs were laid.

Doesn't look as though these had just been hidden somewhere!
  18 April

Before leaving the nest for the first time in the morning, she has placed nest material over the eggs in order to disguise them. Doesn't always seem so careful in the evening, as the other pictures show!
  18 April

By evening, there were 9 eggs.

  19 April

The final egg has now been laid - 10 in all.

  27 April

The female now spends most of her time sitting on the eggs, except for calls of nature. The male appears occasionally with a supply of food; she usually departs for a few minutes immediately after him.

Viewed from above, it is not fully apparent how deep the nest cup is - until you look in from the side.